Mips: frivolous notes of the Skyylark


Quacky, quacky!

So as the school year comes to an end, it occurs to me more and more how much I'm really going to miss a lot of these kids. And something that happened in class yesterday inspired Number One on this list.
Note: this is not a top 5 all time, just a few that came to mind after the initial inspiration.

5 Great Sounds

1. A big group of 1st grade kids laughing.
It sounds a lot like a bunch of baby ducks quacking. I can't help but laugh with them.

2. Cello
It's such a melancholy sound.

3. The sound of someone (anyone) reading Dr. Seuss
Smart things being said through nonsense words. Plus it takes me back. Great stuff.

4. John Lennon's voice
It's not technically impressive by any means, and it's not soothing or terribly unique. But whenever I hear it I know it's a voice that spoke/sang long before I was born, and will be heard long after I'm dead. Pretty amazing.

5. The clapping of a hard-cover book being closed
I dunno, I just like it.


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